Piss Off?
Written by Savannah Brodeur on 2/25/2009 8:09 PM

It's been 4 years this March... and I wonder if anyone still stops by to read these things? I wonder if anyone stops by to look at the pictures.
I went out with Tiffany, one of Amber's best friends, and we talked about her for most of the night. It was really nice. Someone who actually thinks about her in more than just a fleeting sort of way.
I really dislike a lot of people because of their fleeting emotions and regards to Amber. But hey, maybe people just think "It's been almost 4 years... get on with it." If that's your opinion then I suppose you're entitled, but I don't have to listen to it or care about it. Your opinion will not effect my day to day and it won't stop me from stopping by here just to see who doesn't.
For those of you who took 30 seconds out of your day to visit this site and anextra 2 minutes to read a story or two... or better yet a few more minutes to post a comment/story of their own, well, thank you. And for those of you who did none of the above... well I can safely tell you to piss off... because you'll never get around to reading this anyway. :)
Amber, if you're out there, watching over me and all of us, then I hope you find a moment where you're able to say "I'm really proud" wether it be me.. or one of your many many friends. All of us that are true to you and your memory really hope that you're still there. Still with us watching over. I Love You!