Memories of a Strong Woman
Written by Victoria Jardine-Naranjo on 4/27/2011 5:34 PM

Funny but not funny at all that time has passed so rapidly! It seems like yesterday that I got "the awful phone call" letting me know about the car accident! OMG!!!NNNNNNOOOOOOO! Denial doesn't work very well in situations like this there is no place to hide from death. I was and am still shocked by the abrupt ending of Amber Sunshine's on Earth. I miss her SO MUCH and I love her every single moment of every single day. All of my neices and nephews are special to me but Amber holds a unique spot in my heart and soul, and memory.
When Corey (my daughter) lost Jacob Seth Goar(her fiancee' in a MVA 5-10-2001) she became a 21 year old widow with a two and a half year old daughter and a five month old son. Amber and Corey were first cousins and Amber was afraid to fly BUT she got on a plane with her son Erik (who was still breastfeeding) and came to California to help out her cousins and her Aunt Vicki. There are NO WORDS to express what her actions meant to me and Corey. She faced her fears, overcame them and strived to be of service during a family crisis; irregardless of her own anxiety and distrust. I applaud her courage, integrety, and bold confidence in doing what she knew was best. Amber had a way of doing that often. She was an avid letter writer and kept pictures of the children updated for those of us who were far away. She loved her family and friends and none of us ever doubted that. She had a way of keeping the generations connected and that was important to her, an unusual comodity in today's ( generation)! Amber was and is an impressive young woman, a daughter,a sister, a niece, a grand-daughter, a student, a wife, a mother, an employee, a dancer, a music lover, a Christian, and a friend. You are missed my dear Amber and Aunt Vicki will never forget you. God Bless and keep you until we meet again..... where the family circle will NOT be and by and by.