8 years already?
Written by Leila Bieniek on 3/21/2013 10:15 AM

It's hard to believe that it will be 8 years tomorrow! I can still remember like it was yesterday. Although life here has gone on, there is not a day I don't think about you. I am sorry I have not written or been to see you in so long! I do often come look at your photos and I can hear your laugh, I can feel your touch. No matter if anyone says it's time to let go, I still feel you with me every where I go! I love you Amber! you will always be my BFF!

I do have an actual memory. I believe we were about 13 and we were walking through the little park in Turners falls Mass. The one that is by food city or IGA as it was back then. It was a hot summer day an we were walking side by side talking, probably about boys. our hands kept bumping into each other, suddenly she grabs my hand and starts skipping along. she's laughing and saying who cares what anyone thinks? she was right.. who does care? we were the best of friends.

I will NEVER EVER stop thinking of you or missing you. not even when I am 90 and it's been like 65 years. You were amazing and an inspiration and no one has EVER replaced the friendship we had!