Gentle Genius & Genial Giant
Written by Teera Garcia on 8/14/2014 4:20 AM

Dear heart, our beautiful baby boy Erik is a child no longer. Today, he started high school, and you would not believe what a student he is! Beloved by his teachers and peers alike, he excels in all his endeavors. He exceeds all my expectations past and present, stands head and shoulders -- quite literally -- above all, and is most determined to achieve the highest of goals.

I know you would be proud, as everyone whom he meets, and graces with his smile, humor, and style are immediately affected by his modest demeanor and polite bearing. I know I love him more than I could possibly express, and miss the baby boy and young toddler that I can still glimpse under the surface of his 6 foot 2 inch frame, a lanky and still a bit awkward teenager, yet well on his way to becoming the man you perhaps have long envisioned him to be.