Forever in our hearts
Written by Leila Bieniek on 12/12/2017 2:48 PM

You were my very best friend,
So lost I�ve been since the tragic end.
In my heart is where you stay,
I think of you everday.

On Sunny days you are still my shine,
I will miss you until the end of time.
I know that you are smiling down,
That you�d never want us to frown.

I�m sorry I suck at poetry. I really just wanted you to know I have never ever forgotten you. You were more like my sister and my heart stll breaks. Everytime I look at your photos I can recall so many crazy memories. Although I know you are not there me and Angie visited your grave this year. It was so tough we laughed and we cried and I know you didnt want us too. We all love you so much sunshine. I hope you are proud of us all and I always wonder how different things would be. Im getting remarried soon and I wish you could be there. But as long as I carry you in my heart forever I will never be alone