in the aftermath
Written by Leila Bieniek on 5/9/2005 1:21 PM

It has been about 6 weeks since we lost our Angel. My question is how do you move on? Every night I cry into my pillow for the loss of my best friend. I know she would not want me to cry, but I feel like I have lost a part of myself. i don't think she ever knew how much she meant to me. I feel physical pain everyday and don't know what to do with it.I feel like all the talking and therapy in the world won't help. I know the hurt never completely goes away but how do you feel happy? I see her smiling at me and I grieve all over again for all that she left behind and all she had left to accomplish.

However I do thank go every single day that I did get the news in the nick of time. I found out about the tragedy about a week after it happened. I believe it was a god send and will be forever grateful that I got to be with her family and friends in their darkest hour. (Trish, Terry, Andrew, Savannah, Missey, Tee) I want you all to know it has been a blessing to have known all of you and I deeply appreciate all that you've ever done to me. Sometimes you were more family to me than my own. I love you all and miss you all very much. it also saddens me that we are all so far apart. but that is just distance and you are in my heart and on my mind. may god be with you all in your times of need.