Thinking of you...
Written by Leila Bieniek on 6/7/2005 8:34 AM

The other day was a bright sunny day and not a single cloud in the sky. I was driving along just thinking about nothing inparticular when I passed Terri and nancy's old house in Turners falls. Suddenly it was like watching a movie with such vivid thoughts of the many talks me and amber shared in that house. hat sticks out most in my mind, is that she met this wonderful man (TEE) and how much she loved him. She knew without a doubt that he was the one made just for her and that they would get married and have a family. I remember feeling so happy for her because she deserved all the best life has to offer. Then as time went by I grew more and more anxious to meet the man had stolen her heart. When I did meet him he was everything that she had said he was. She is very lucky to have shared her life with such wonderful people as he was so lucky to have been blessed with er love and just her being. I feel like there are never enough words to capture the true essence of amber. Just to know her and to be a part of her life makes you wonder what you did to deserve such a blessing. Amber I love you so very, very, much and I miss you like crazy. there is not one day where I don't think about you. If i could have just one wish in this whole world, i would wish to have you back and be able to talk and cry and laugh like we used to. You are in my heart and in my dreams. i just wish you;d have gotten to meet my daughter but she will still be blessed by being your name sake and that is one of the best gifts of all.