First Days
Written by Teera Garcia on 9/6/2005 7:00 PM

Today was Erik's first day at school -- kindergarten. Dressed in his brand new school clothes, hair combed, and brilliant smile flashing, I know Amber is so very proud of him. I think I did better than I would have guessed for a parent letting go at such a momentous occasion. I have not been able to let him out of my sight much these past few months. His Mom certainly would not have fared so well; making sure he knew she was going to sorely miss him all that day; reminding him to be the best he can be, and to not worry if he is not, just try; and that he was her sunshine. But that was everyday she kissed him bye, and said see you later. Perhaps that is what continues to encourage him to do his best everyday, in every way, just knowing that Mom was always going to miss him, and that he just had to try, to be the best in her eye.