tough times
Written by Leila Bieniek on 9/20/2005 9:53 AM

i just wanted to take my moment and remember Amber. i take that moment everyday, but it is usually more than a moment. While amber was not my blood sister, she was more of a sister to me than anyone. i knew her for 12 years and we all endured alot of trials and tribulations. i can really sympathsize with Savannah. i spent alot of time with the family. she is so right and yet still understated when she said amber was the perfect combination of everything. she was more than perfect all girls wanted to be her and all guys wanted to be with her. she had this magnetic way that just drew you to her. anywys yes screw the people who says anything negative about her death. when she died the world might as well have ended. i had my daughter one month ago. i know i said it already but i named her Maddison Sunshine because of amber. i am very sadden that amber will never get to meet her, she met my son and my son loved her. she was an impact even on small minds. the other day i finally got my tatoo. i got s sun with my daughtersw name but it also represents amber. they are both and always will be the sunshine in my life. i miss her so much and would give anthing to have her back. i believe that she does watch us and we shoul all be doing our best and moving on but never forgetting her. i also come here everyday and read every story and look at all the pictures. it still warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes to see her smiling at me. i will never love anyone the way i loved her she is what it means to be perfection and an angel. i love you, Amber!!!!