she's still here
Written by Leila Bieniek on 9/30/2005 7:29 AM

I just wanted to take my few moments, to say i strongly feel Amber's spirit with me. There is a song that comes on the radio and I think it is her reminding me that she is not really gone. I have proly said this in my other posts but it keeps happening. for those who attended her services, I always hear "i can only imagine" by mercy me. it makes me sad yet happy at the same time. I always tell amber i miss her and love her when it comes on. it feels good to know that she is watching us and trying to help us heal. although i know for one i will never totally heal. it has been over six months and i still remember the horrible day I got the news. it was like someone ripping out your heat and smashing it into a milion pieces. on a daily basis I still feel rotten. I remember shortly before feeling mad. i was hurt because she hadn't called me in 2 weeks. i knew she was busy but it hurt that she had no time to call me, we were friends for so long. i was talking the day beofre about how mad I was. then I felt like a jerk. i will never forget cole coming and telling me on that rainy day. i am just glad that i found out in time to go to her services. i don't think i would have ever forgiven myself if i couldn't have been there. anyways i just wanted to write something. i feel more of you should take out 5 mins somewhere just to post anything. amber was such a beautiful person, she deserves that much. I love you amber and i miss you... i will see you in my dreams as i do everynight.