remembering amber
Written by amber epison on 4/18/2005 4:50 PM

hi my name is amber. i hadn't met my cousin amber until i went to her mom's wedding. i had always heard stories about amber and her sibling's but never had a chance to meet them. we hit it off right away. i could tell how much she loved her family. after meetting her and tee we kept intouch and would talk to eachother atleast twice a week. we got together a few times,but the one time that was really special to the both of us was when we took our kids to the park. it was me,amber,erik,xavier,and my son aban. we brought a picnic and had lunch there. the kids seem to have so much fun together. as well as amber and i. we let the kids run around on the soccer field a bit and talked about how both our mom's were adopted. from then on we kept invitting eachother to our parties. i really miss amber and miss our phone conversations. she was always there when you needed her. i feel very lucky to have had her as part of my life.

i miss you amber. you will always be in my thoughts and heart.
love ya,