smoking fools
Written by Leila Bieniek on 11/12/2005 10:39 PM

there is another fond memory I have of amber. when I met her she told me that she smoked cigarettes. I had never smoked in my life. she told me how they made her feel relaxed and made them sound so good. so low and behold I started smoking too. I looked up to amber and i thought it was the cool thing to do. i didn't want her to think i was not cool. :) so anyways we used to be pretty sneaky about our habit. or atleast we thought that no one knew. boy were we wrong. of course her dad knew. he knew everything about us before we did, he was always on to us. he gave us tough love. I remember being there when he found out amber was smoking. he was not happy, but he challenged her instead of getting really mad. he made her smoke a whole pack one after another. I felt so bad, I know it would have made me sick. especially because menthol was her preference. it was awful to have to watch. i felt terrible. but she made it through, she was a trooper. after that she kept on smoking, and like a fool so did i. at one point we were some what lucky. cigarettes used to be cheap in comparison to what they are now. I continued to smoke for 5 1/2 yrs. it was the blessing of becomming pregnant that made me quit for good. it was such a bad habit, but i never hated her for getting me started. i just realized that we were smoking fools. i love you amber!