For Erik
Written by Savannah Brodeur on 11/15/2005 7:28 PM

I remember when Amber was pregnant with Erik we used to talk alot about what it would be like being a mother. (Her and I were both pregnant and due 3 days apart) She told me that she was really scared that she wouldn't be a good mother. And that she really didn't like babies at all. She thought 2-3 years old was a great age, but the "baby" thing made her uncomfortable. I tried to assure her that she'd be fine, and that once her baby was born she would take one look at him and fall in love. But Amber was a realist and didn't believe a word of it. I mean, how could you fall in love with someone you've only just met? Well, months later Erik was born and turns out I was right. We had many conversations on the matter after we had both delivered our children. She couldn't stop talking about how much she loved her son and how perfect he was. In every way this child was perfect. Don't get me wrong, she didn't start oogling over every baby she saw, in fact she still didn't like babies. Except HER baby. She always wanted the best for him... the best school, the best home, the best friends. She worked hard to ensure that her son would always have what he needed and if she could do it everything he wanted. Erik was definitely the light of her life, much like she was the light of so many others. Amber was not only the good Mom she feared she wouldn't be, but she was a Wonderful Mom. There will never be another who will ever love Erik as much as she does. There will never be another who would give their everything for him. My hope is that Erik never forgets how lucky he is to have Amber for his Mom. I love you Erik, and so does your Mom, Always and Forever!