She Did It!
Written by Cynthia G on 2/3/2006 1:56 PM

I just wanted to let everyone know what Amber had a part in doing for me.
Today I got word that my VA Home Loan has been approved!!! We are buying our first house. Our PRAYERS have been answered.
Well lo and behold Tee calls in to the helpdesk where I work today. Unbeknownst to me, until I hear "Amber Garcia" my ears immediatley perked up and "what about her" shot out from my mouth before I could catch it. Well not to bore you all with the details of Tee's call ;o). My co-worker and I were talking about it and she says to me, that is too weird she must be saying "hi" to you.
I took a gasp back and realized, YES! Yes she was and now I know who truly has been helping out in this home buying process. I know obviously my brother had his part as well as the many other family members I have lost, I just found it interesting that Tee happend to call TODAY, the very day when I received my approval. Could be coincidence, it's all in how you look at it. I choose to believe that she had something to do with it.
Just thought I would share with everyone. Hope this finds you all in good spirits or at the very least lifts them a little more...