I Haven't Forgotten
Written by Savannah Brodeur on 7/26/2006 11:20 AM

It's been a while since I have been on here. No one has posted in over a month now. I know this isn't becasue we have forgotten her, because I know I certainly have not. Our lives get filled with other responsibilities and anything else we can find to fill our time with. I just wanted to take the opportunity to come back here and say that I have not forgotten.
If anything, I find myself missing her more now than ever. I have a lot going on in my life right now that I really wish I had a big sister to talk to about. I wish I had her shoulder to cry on these days. I wish I had her voice of reason on my side. More than anything I wish I had her understanding in matters of the heart.
Things would be playing out so much differently right now if she were still here. At the very least I wouldn't feel so alone, and that is what I miss most about her. When she was here, I never felt alone. My big sis was gonna be there no matter what. If she hadn't lived it, then she was best at putting herself in someone elses shoes and thinking clearly.
More than anything no matter how she felt she would be my sister first and foremost. Happy or not with my decisions, she would back me up through thick and thin. If I were walking to the edge of a cliff she'd warn me to watch out... and then she'd likely be at the bottom, checking to see how hard I fell, and to lend her hand to help me up. (Though, I'm sure she would probably go through a whole rhyme and reason of "I told you so's".... I'd tell her she was right again.. and we'd probably laugh about it.)
I am still here, and I still miss her more than anything!
I want people to know that she is not now, nor will she ever be forgotten!