heart brake and memories
Written by john molyneaux on 10/17/2007 12:56 PM

Dear Amber
Not a day goes by now without seeing something or someone that reminds me of you.
Over this past year I have been to Las Vegas 3 times, and yes each time I find myself Driving by the same spot .
I loss my breath, and I start to cry even before I realize where I am.
I hate it!
But at the same time it brings up old memories of you,
And here is the one I hold closest to my heart.

A sweet little 3 or 4 year old girl dancing in front of the TV, watching Michel Jackson�s Thriller on MTV.
You would start out with your hands over your eyes, scared of the monsters,
but once the music started you would start bouncing all over the place.
For 12 minutes (22 with the long version) I could see why your Mom and Dad named you sunshine, you brought a light to everyone you met, and my heart is bigger having known you.
And I have to hope that there is something after this life, because I would love to see you again. But until then please know that I will try my very best to look after the people that were important to you in your life.
I will never forget you, And I love you with all my heart
Yours forever
Uncle John