3 Years if you're counting
Written by Savannah Brodeur on 3/24/2008 2:05 PM

So it's been just about 4 months and no one has posted anything on here. I guess everyone has just been busy with everything else. I understand. It happens, right? March 22nd made 3 years..... Do you get that?? 3 Years?! How can it be that time has flown so quickly and yet it still feels like I was on the phone chatting and laughing with her only yesterday? Answer me that. My throat still aches as if my heart is stuck in it making it hard to breathe every time I think about her being gone. I have to remind myself of what we do have left. We have Erik- and we have Tee..... but still I would trade everything I have (Including Myself) to just have HER back. How stupid I must sound when you look at the plain fact that it *has* been 3 years and I should have moved on or forward or something by this point, right? How do I do that? Just when I think I am making progress towards not missing her so much that I would rather die than miss her any more..... Well, then I miss her so much it hurts all over again as if it just happened this morning. 4 months with no posts? I can't go 4 hours without thinking about her. Obsessing over her. Hell I still cry almost daily thinking of her.
Don't get me wrong, I am glad that everyone has found better ways of coping and dealing, and has gained the ability to move past this..(By 'this' I mean *Her*)... but how does one do that? HOW?!
I can't sleep. (Unless I am heavily medicated)
I can hardly eat most of the time. (Unless I am famished)
I cannot even function like a normal person should. (Again... without meds) How F***ED UP is that?! Screw that whole mind over matter thing. Not working!
UGH! I am just so disgusted right now, I don't know where to begin or end.... so I'm just going to stop right now.
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